Nervous System Regulation Will Make You Wealthy

I never set out to be a coach or a mentor. Because at the beginning of starting this business, I thought that to coach or mentor people to create more wealth in their lives, would involve pushing clients to work harder or move faster. And I wanted the opposite!

I started The Living Business Project with the sole purpose of creating a 'movement' to break away from working in the way that I had been shown and taught was the way to be successful. I was done with feeling anxious, overwhelmed and overstretched. I was exhausted from being exhausted! I wanted to feel safe in myself, stop second guessing my worth and start feeling truly happy and joyful and excited about what I was doing.


The Living Business Project was always about creating a business that was a living entity that evolved with my life and supported me in living the life that I wanted to live. And I wanted to support other female entrepreneurs to do the same - create businesses that were totally aligned to them, that lit them the f up and made them feel wealthy, not just in their bank balance, but in all areas of their life. 

That's the 'living business' part of the name. The 'project' bit, was because when I started out I wasn't sure that that was possible! I had no evidence at that point to show me that it was truly possible to create a business that provided overflowing wealth, without needing to hustle or try to be something I wasn't. The last two years have been a journey in unraveling what I thought was possible for my life and I have found that evidence! The journey has led me to exploring and embracing (and falling head over heels in love with!) nervous system regulation. It's been a mind-blowing, life changing process of understanding how integral it is to creating wealth in all areas of our lives.

When you have a dysregulated nervous system, your body and your mind, don't feel safe. Ad without feeling safe, we will not do the things that we want to do. We will fall back into old patterns that are familiar to us (even if they are harmful patterns). We might find ourselves trying to replicate what we see others doing and doing things that don't feel aligned to us, instead of trusting our own intuition, gifts and abilities.  This will ultimately lead back to those feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, confusion and irritability - because we are operating in a state of fight, flight or freeze.

And ultimately all that this is going to lead us to, is our business failing, feeling inauthentic or even worse being really really, really not fun! Nervous system regulation comes into everything that I do with my clients. Yes, we'll craft strategies and action plans. (My previous business experience and masters in strategic management come into play here), but in everything we do, we start with you, making you feel good, making you feel safe, making you feel excited, confident and powerful. And from there, magic happens.

So if you're feeling called to move away from operating in this feeling of fight or flight or freeze, if you're done with feeling anxious, overwhelmed, confused, and stressed out, and you want a business that is going to grow and evolve with you, and provide wealth in all areas of your life -  this is your sign to take action to make that happen. Anything is possible for you, once you decide that it is, and allowing yourself to feel safe in mind and body as you build out your dream business, will get you to that vision of success that you have, so much faster and with so much more joy! 

Want to chat more about working together to make this magic happen for you? Here's the link to book yourself a free, no pressure Connection Call.


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